{Proverbs 17:22; Nehemiah 8:10; Philipians 4}
#trust #keepgoing with a smile
So much going on right now.
Today is the 28th day of January 2020 and
the past weeks have been rough on so many.
Abrupt and unexplicable deaths, shocking losses of entire families and little children 💔
I can't even begin to imagine the hurt of some people, we all must know one person or another, related to someone who has been affected, if not, we have heard on the news.
The heartbreaking news about the deaths of all these people, everywhere!
I won't mention any names in this post 🙏🕊💔
We are all affected in some way.
I am not directly related to any one who passed but have been so affected, badly shaken to my core. Reason for me writing this - my thoughts, my pain, and above all ;
Prayers and love 💕to all the affected families and friends. Those mourning, hurting, discouraged, confused, angry ■■■
Lord wrap us in your loving embrace🙏
Let your peace fill our hearts.
So many questions we wish we had answers to. So much "make up" sometimes to hide our pain.
So much hurt we wish it was a dream we would wake up from.
Yet, we choose to hold our head up!
We choose to rejoice in You, Lord.
We embrace the joy and peace you give, that surpasses all understanding.
Yes we don't understand!
We may never understand!
We don't have to understand!
We only have to trust You and believe in every word you have spoken.
Jesus, our Rock, our Peace.
Right there in the storm.
Right there in the fire!
Be comforted 💌
and don't forget out Tuesday tip 》 LAUGH 😆😂
Just laugh, with tears rolling down, find a way
Joy will certainly come in the morning.